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Gambling New South Wales

Archbishop Fisher backs plan to introduce cashless gaming card

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has commended New South Wales’ political leaders for supporting the introduction of a cashless gaming card, saying the Church and its agencies see the human cost of gambling addiction every day. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Gambling New South Wales

ClubsNSW chief sacked over ‘Catholic gut’ comment

ClubsNSW has fired its chief executive, Josh Landis, after he triggered a political firestorm by linking New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet’s Catholic faith to his gambling crackdown. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Education New South Wales

Perrottet defends faith as former school comes under fire

The New South Wales Education Standards Authority is investigating Sydney schools linked to the Catholic group Opus Dei. Source: SBS News.

Gambling New South Wales

Wilkie challenges states to follow NSW on pokie reform

Anti-poker machine campaigner Andrew Wilkie has challenged governments around Australia to seize a “watershed moment” and follow New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet’s plan to introduce cashless gambling cards. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Gambling New South Wales

NSW gamblers lose $2.1b on pokies in less than 100 days

Gamblers lost more than $2.1 billion on poker machines in fewer than 100 days last year – the highest losses in New South Wales history – an outlay critics say reinforces the need for reform. Source: Sydney Morning Herald. 

Crime New South Wales

Police target ‘petri-dish of hate’ on internet

A new education campaign aims to reduce hate-motivated crimes and incidents in New South Wales by encouraging more victims and survivors to come forward and report to police. Source: SBS News.

Interfaith New South Wales

Catholic representative chosen for new religious advisory council

Sydney Archdiocese’s Monica Doumit has been appointed to the Perrottet Government’s New South Wales Religious Communities Advisory Council. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Gambling New South Wales

Labor leader says reforming industry a gamble without cashless card trial

New South Wales Labor leader Chris Minns says he is prepared to reform the state’s lucrative gambling sector but only after the impact on the industry is fully calculated. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

New South Wales

Sydney to get first new cemetery in 50 years

Construction on a memorial park with 136,000 plots is finally underway, marking Sydney’s first new cemetery in 50 years. Source: Daily Telegraph.