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Ecumenism Saints

Pope includes Coptic Orthodox martyrs in Catholic compendium of saints

Pope Francis has inserted 21 Coptic Orthodox martyrs killed by ISIS into the Church’s formal martyrology, marking one of the rare occasions in which non-Catholics have been approved for veneration in the Catholic Church. Source: Crux.


Beatification date announced for family martyred by Nazis

The beatification date has been announced for a family of nine who were killed by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish family in their home in Poland. Source: CNA.


‘Skateboard hero’ on path to sainthood

A 39-year-old Spaniard known as the “skateboard hero” for his acts of valour during the 2017 London Bridge attack is on the path to sainthood. Source: The Tablet.


Sydney day of pilgrimage to honour Servant of God

Servant of God Eileen O’Connor will be honoured at a Mass on the anniversary of her death on January 10 in Coogee, the Sydney neighbourhood where she once lived and ministered to the disadvantaged. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Vatican advances cause of Brazilian Archbishop Helder Camara

The Vatican has advanced the sainthood cause of the late Brazilian Archbishop Helder Camara, who may soon be called “venerable”. Source: NCR Online.


Australian shrine dedicated to St John Paul II opens

Relics of St John Paul II have been installed at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in East Gosford, which is now a permanent shrine to the Polish saint. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Archaeologists discover tomb of St Nicholas

The tomb of St Nicholas, the inspiration behind Santa Claus, has been discovered after archaeologists uncovered the remains of an ancient church in Turkey that was submerged by rising sea levels in the Middle Ages. Source: Daily Mail.


Refusal to help migrants is sinful, criminal: Pope

The refusal to help desperate migrants “is revolting, it’s sinful, it’s criminal”, Pope Francis said as he canonised a bishop dedicated to assisting migrants and a Salesian brother who emigrated with his family to Argentina. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Saints

Saints have joyful hearts, not long faces: Pope

The holiness of saints is reflected not only in how they overcame struggles but by their ability to transmit the joy that comes from being loved by God, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.