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Synodality, mission lead Oceania bishops’ Tuesday agenda

The bishops of Oceania were challenged to take up the path of synodality and be prepared to confront a “silent earthquake” in the Church on the third day of their quadrennial assembly in Fiji. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Each of us must become a synod, says Sr Nathalie

“This is a very special time for the Church and, as you know, we are all together, everywhere in the world, living this Synod now,” Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ said as she commenced her Australian tour in Melbourne on Tuesday. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Australian Catholics to meet Vatican’s most influential woman

Catholics around Australia will this week meet and listen to Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ, the most senior woman in the Vatican who will become the first woman to vote in the upcoming Synod of Bishops. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Lecture Synodality

Senior Synod official to visit Australia for lecture series

Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ, one of the most senior women working in the Vatican, is coming to Australia for a whirlwind tour in February and will speak at public forums and lectures in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Germany Synodality

Questions about Synodal Path dominate German bishops ‘ad limina’

The German bishops’ meeting with officials of the Roman Curia last week was not a “showdown” but it did make clear the Vatican’s strong concerns about Germany’s Synodal Path, said the president of the bishops’ conference. Source: CNS.

Plenary Council Synodality

Bishops formally approve Plenary Council acts, decrees

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has formally approved the acts and decrees of the Fifth Plenary Council, which will now be sent to the Apostolic See for review. Source: ACBC Media Blog.