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More than 400,000 Germans left the Church in 2023

Just one day after the news that hundreds of thousands of Catholics left the Church in Germany in 2023, the Vatican met with representatives of the German Synodal Way to discuss the controversial plans for a permanent synodal council. Source: CNA.


German committee considers Church reforms 

Germany’s Synodal Path tentatively cleared another hurdle last week with elections to study groups to consider possible Church reforms, subject to wary scrutiny from Rome. Source: The Tablet.


German bishops halt vote after Vatican request

The German bishops will not be voting on a step toward a forbidden “Synodal Council” at their upcoming plenary assembly at the Vatican’s request. Source: National Catholic Register.

Germany Pope Francis Synodality

Pope sees threat of Church in Germany moving away from Rome

Pope Francis has expressed his concern about initiatives individual dioceses and the Church in Germany as a whole are taking, including the establishment of a synodal council, which he said threatens to steer it away from the universal Church. Source: OSV News.


Priests in Germany bless same-sex couples

Several hundred people gathered near the cathedral in Cologne, Germany, to hold a blessing service for LGBTQ+ people and people who remarried after a divorce, while those protesting the service prayed the Rosary nearby. Source: Angelus News.


German cardinal disappointed over staff’s attempts to access pornography

German Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki has expressed profound disappointment over an internal IT report finding that employees in his Cologne Archdiocese had attempted to access pornographic websites. Source: National Catholic Register.

Germany Vatican

Vatican officials resume talks with German bishops on synodal path

Representatives of the Roman Curia and the German bishops’ conference met on Wednesday to discuss theological and disciplinary issues related to the Church in Germany’s synodal way in a “positive and constructive climate”. Source: NCR Online.


US Cardinal urges Church in Germany to overcome divisions

In an interview with Cologne Archdiocese’s radio station, United States Cardinal Blase Cupich emphasised the importance of ending polarisation and overcoming entrenched divisions in the Church and the world. Source: The Tablet.


Allegations of perjury prompt police search of German archdiocese

German law enforcement officials searched several buildings of the Archdiocese of Cologne yesterday as part of an ongoing investigation into allegations of perjury made against the archbishop, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki. Source: CNA.