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Religious Orders Ukraine

Redemptorists in Ukraine mobilise to help community

A new video from apostolate Common Home TV depicts the reality of the war in Ukraine and those who remain in the country working for peace. Source: Redemptorists Oceania.

Prayer Ukraine

Ecumenical prayer for peace in Ukraine marks anniversary of Russian invasion

An ecumenical day of prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine was held in the Ukrainian Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne on Friday – the first anniversary of the Russian invasion.


Anniversary of Ukraine war marked by prayers and vigils

Civil and religious leaders around the world observed the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine on Friday, calling for an end to hostilities and gathering in prayer to honour victims of the conflict and to beg God for peace. Source: Crux.

Charity Ukraine

Caritas and Jesuit Mission continue support for Ukraine

Australian Catholic charities Caritas Australia and Jesuit Mission have reflected on the devastation and humanitarian toll on Ukraine on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope marks anniversary of Russia’s ‘absurd and cruel’ war on Ukraine

Pope Francis has lamented that the “absurd and cruel” war in Ukraine is still raging a year after Russia’s invasion and has condemned the failure of national leaders to achieve a diplomatic solution. Source: Crux.

Ukraine United States

Catholic leader says Biden visit gives Ukrainians new hope

Ukraine’s most senior Catholic prelate says the surprise visit of US President Joe Biden on Monday has given the country’s people new hope on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. Source: Crux.

Christmas Eastern Rite Ukraine

Ukrainian Greek Catholics to celebrate Christmas on December 25

From this year, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church will celebrate Christmas on December 25 instead of January 7 and the Epiphany on January 6 instead of the 19th. Source: Vatican News.


Ukraine’s top Catholic opposes ban on Orthodox church loyal to Moscow

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has opposed a draft bill banning the activities of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine, saying the measure would turn Russia’s supporters into martyrs. Source: Crux.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope celebrates 86th birthday with kids, cake, circus performers

The day after he turned 86, Pope Francis met with volunteers, family members and children receiving care from a Vatican paediatric clinic. Source: CNS.