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East Asia Youth

Seoul cathedral pitches camp in backyard to engage young members

The Seoul Archdiocese transformed the backyard of Myeongdong Cathedral into a campsite to engage with younger members of the Church in South Korea. Source: Vatican News.

Social Justice Youth

Call for national overhaul of child detention systems 

Catholic Religious Australia has voiced grave concerns about the state of juvenile detention systems around the country to the National Children’s Commissioner, the Minister for Indigenous Affairs and the Police Ministers Council. 

Pope Francis Youth

Catholic university students share their concerns with Pope

Pope Francis participated in a live video call with university students yesterday in which an Australian student expressed concern that teachers in Catholic schools are espousing gender theory. Source: CNA.

Violence Youth

New tool sheds light on harmful online voices

Parents will get a window into the misogynistic content flooding their teenagers’ social media feeds under the latest push to tackle gender-based violence. Source: The West Australian.

Pope Francis Youth

Australian students to join in regional online chat with Pope

Australian students will join other Asia-Pacific young people in an online dialogue with Pope Francis ahead of his trip to the region. Source: NCR Online. 

Employment Youth

Tassie program builds up skills and wellbeing

Ten young Tasmanians have taken their first steps towards a career in the building and construction industry, thanks to a free pre-employment program run by Centacare Evolve Housing. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


Youth ministry representatives head to Rome

To mark five years since the release of Christus Vivit, youth ministry representatives from around the globe will head to Rome for the International Congress on Youth Ministry in May, hosted by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. Source: ACBC.

Pope Francis Youth

Pope assures young people that ‘Christ is alive and He loves you’

The “certainty” that “Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive” has inspired Pope Francis to write again to young people, on the fifth anniversary of his Apostolic Exhortation, Christus Vivit. Source: Vatican News.

Homelessness Youth

Study says $1bn fund could kickstart social housing for young people

The $1 billion pot of money sitting ready to be spent on social housing could shift more than 4000 young people out of homelessness, new research shows. Source: The Australian.