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Bishops Youth

Mary helps us to be the best disciples of Jesus: Archbishop Costelloe

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has told a gathering of British youth that the Church needs their energy, enthusiasm, restlessness and idealism. Source: The Record.

Ecumenism Youth

Faith communities, elders unite to help solve Alice Springs youth crisis

Faith communities in Alice Springs are working together with local elders to respond in practical and spiritual ways to the growing youth street crime crisis in the Central Australian city. Source: In The Word.

World Youth Day Youth

Pope says young people’s desire to attend World Youth Day fills him with joy

Pope Francis has sent a video message to young people preparing to celebrate World Youth Day in Lisbon later this year. Source: Vatican News.


Youth centre provides ‘Gospel of joy and loving kindness’

As two boys race through the front door of Don Bosco, one yelled out to the other, “What is this place?”, to which the other replies, “This is my home away from home, come in!!” Source: Catholic Outlook.


Broken Bay to host ‘life-changing’ Ignite Conference

The Diocese of Broken Bay will host one of Australia’s most powerful Catholic youth gatherings – the Ignite Conference – next September. Source: Ignite Conference.


Archdiocese of Melbourne to host 2024 youth festival

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is coming back – and the countdown is on to the next event in two years’ time. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


New membership model for Young Christian Students

Having just marked its 80th anniversary, Melbourne Young Christian Students has announced a radical plan for its future – introducing direct individual memberships.

Environment Youth

Youth summit promotes healthy future for Australia

Catholic Earthcare Australia’s youth summit brought students from the Cairns Diocese together to promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the nation. Source: Caritas Australia.

Anniversary Schools Youth

Student movement marks 80 years since first rally

The Australian Young Catholic Students movement is today marking 80 years since its first leaders’ rally was held in Melbourne, when nearly 200 Catholic college leaders met to discuss the work of the newly formed organisation.