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Education Politics

Concerns of school and faith communities ‘blatantly ignored’

The National Catholic Education Commission says the Productivity Commission has blatantly ignored the concerns and needs of school and faith communities in its final philanthropy report, released yesterday.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland Government commits $40m to abortion industry

The Miles Government has earmarked another $40 million to an initiative to bolster Queensland’s abortion industry. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Gender New South Wales

MP urges support to stop Equality Bill

Proposed LGBT reforms for New South Wales risk far-reaching unintended consequences for women and children, Labor MLC Greg Donnelly says. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Arts Chaplaincy

Rough seas: Picturing a seafarer’s life

Ahead of Sea Sunday, a Catholic charity in West Melbourne is bringing its mission to the streets with a striking mural depicting the perils of life at sea. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Ecology United Nations

Caritas Australia represented at UN forum on sustainable development 

The United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development was held in New York last week, with Caritas Australia in attendance.


Vatican offers special indulgence for participants

Any Catholic who participates in the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on July 28 can receive a plenary indulgence, the Vatican has announced. Source: OSV News.

Children Pope Francis

Pope Francis visits Vatican’s Summer Camp

Pope Francis brought joy to the children of the Vatican’s Summer Camp yesterday, in what has become an annual tradition for the Holy Father. Source: Vatican News.

South America

Man shot dead by woman in church in Colombia

A woman shot a man dead in a church in Colombia on Monday, as attendees prepared to pray the Rosary before Mass. Source: Crux.

Film Review

Johansson pilots 60s space-race romance to successful lift off

‘Fly Me To The Moon’ is an old-style romantic comedy set in 1969 as NASA prepares for its greatest achievement – the moon landing. Source: Australian Catholics.