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Pope Francis United Nations

Commitment to human rights never ends: Pope 

Pope Francis yesterday marked the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Source: Vatican News.

Education Seniors

Thanks for the memories: project brings together young and old

An intergenerational project has seen Catholic secondary school students in regional New South Wales compile memoirs for aged care residents. Source: ABC News. 

Evangelisation New Zealand

Sydney program encourages New Zealand parish to ‘wake up’

A parish in New Zealand had embraced Go Make Disciples, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP’s vision for the future of Sydney parishes. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Pope Francis Youth

Pope announces first World Day of Children

The Church will celebrate its first World Day of Children in May next year, Pope Francis announced on Friday. Source: CNA.


Vatican unveils Nativity scene marking its 800-year-old origin

The Vatican unveiled its annual Nativity scene on Friday, paying special tribute to the origins of the beloved tradition on its 800th anniversary. Source: National Catholic Register.

Middle East

Christians ‘essential’ to Iraq, say church leaders

The heads of churches in Iraq have urged Christians to adhere to their identity and perform their national role in an appeal for official protection of their rights. Source: The Tablet.


NDIS review recommends major changes to scheme

National Disability Insurance Scheme access based on a medical diagnosis should end and eligibility should be determined instead by how a person’s disability affects their everyday life, a landmark review says. Source: The Australian.

Opinion Synod

Australia ‘punched well above its weight’ at Synod of Bishops

The Church in Australia played an outsized role in shaping the global consultation process for Pope Francis’ Synod of Bishops, writes Christopher White. Source: NCR Online. 

Education Politics

Productivity Commission proposal ‘direct attack on faith communities’

The National Catholic Education Commission says the proposed reforms outlined by the Productivity Commission in its draft Future Foundations for Giving report are a “direct attack on faith communities”.