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Modern Slavery

Compendium demonstrates Church’s commitment to addressing modern slavery

In recognition of United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network has published the third Compendium of Modern Slavery Statements. 

Aged Care

Taskforce calls for new levy to help pay for aged care

All taxpayers must stump up more, potentially through a new levy, and wealthier older Australians will need to dip into their private savings to lift the quality of aged care, a new proposal put to the Albanese Government warns. Source: The Australian.

Abuse crisis New Zealand

NZ abuse royal commission details abuse at hands of St John of God brothers

The nature and scale of abuse set out in a New Zealand abuse royal commission interim report is abhorrent and should never have happened, NZ Catholic Bishops Conference general secretary Archbishop Paul Martin SM said yesterday. Source: NZ Catholic.

Africa Charity

Conflict pushing Sudan ‘beyond breaking point’

After months of protracted fighting, violence in Sudan continues to spread across the country, causing millions to flee their homes. Source: Caritas Australia.

United States

US bishop warns ‘a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought‘

The chairman of the United States bishops’ peace committee has urged Catholics to pray fervently for progress in nuclear arms control, warning of the thousands of nuclear weapons in the world today and the “horrors” that would result from a nuclear exchange. Source: CNA.

North America

Church in Mexico’s pastoral plan for mothers of disappeared persons

Faced with the lamentable growing wave of disappeared persons in Mexico and with it the formation of groups — primarily mothers – looking for their missing children, the Primatial Archdiocese of Mexico is preparing a pastoral plan to accompany them. Source: National Catholic Register.

World Youth Day

Huge crowd gathers for Australian WYD gathering in Lisbon

More than 2500 World Youth Day pilgrims from Australia and Oceania have been told they will “do great things” as the global Catholic celebration commenced in Lisbon. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Health Politics

Archbishop Comensoli says hospital takeover sets ‘worrying precedent’

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli has accused the ACT Government of forcibly acquiring Calvary Public Hospital Bruce because its Catholic ethos was “inconvenient”, saying the takeover sets a “worrying precedent for civil society groups”. Source: The Australian.

Church Life

New website launched for Official Directory, pre-orders open for print edition

The new website for the online edition of the Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia has been launched, coinciding with the opening of pre-orders for the new print edition of the directory.