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In The Dioceses

Nuncio receives warm Kimberley welcome

The Apostolic Nuncio to Australia Archbishop Charles Balvo has visited a number of remote communities in the Diocese of Broome, describing his time there as one of “encounter”.

Religious Freedom Schools

Queensland anti-discrimination law changes to affect religious schools

New laws making it harder for religious schools to sack LGBTQ+ teachers and staff living out of wedlock will be introduced in Queensland by the end of the year. Source: The Australian.

Charity Leadership

New Vinnies NSW boss committed to mission of ‘radical inclusivity’

The newly appointed chief executive officer of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, Yolanda Saiz, says she is looking forward to bringing the organisation’s mission of ‘radical inclusivity’ to life in providing care to people experiencing poverty and disadvantage.

Aid Ukraine

Women’s group supports parishioner’s work to bring New Dawn to Ukraine

Members of an Adelaide Catholic Women’s League group have been raising money for local parishioner Maurice O’Connell, who recently returned to Ukraine to continue volunteering for a local aid organisation. Source: The Southern Cross.

Canon Law Global Church

Pope Francis extends time to appeal dismissal from consecrated life

Pope Francis has amended canon law to give members of institutes of consecrated life more time to appeal a dismissal. Source: CNA.

Holy Land

Christian leaders lament rise in Holy Land violence ahead of Easter

With tensions in Israel increasing as the Easter holiday approaches, Christian leaders in the country have lamented an uptick in violence and made an appeal to national leaders to collaborate and put an end to discrimination. Source: Crux.

Lent Pope Francis

Pope released from hospital, presides at Palm Sunday Mass

The unborn, migrants, the elderly and the disabled are “living icons” of Jesus that call Christians to draw close to those who feel abandoned just as Christ did on the cross, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday. Source: CNS.


Senior educator to head Melbourne’s Catholic schools

Edward Simons, an educator in the Catholic sector for more than 20 years, has been appointed as the new executive director at Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools. Source: Archdiocese of Melbourne.


Palm Sunday rallies demand permanent visas for refugees

Hundreds of activists gathered at Palm Sunday rallies around the country yesterday to demand the Commonwealth give permanent visas for refugees stuck in limbo. Source: SBS/AAP.