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Pope Francis

We all need to open ourselves to Christ’s infinite love: Pope

A world that has become “heartless” and indifferent to greed and war, and a Church in need of revitalising its missionary joy must open themselves up to Christ’s infinite love, Pope Francis says in his new encyclical. Source: CNS.

Bishops Vatican

Archbishop Costelloe elected to Synod Council

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has been elected to the Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Politics Social media

Human Rights Commissioner warns Labor not to rush social media laws

Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner has raised concerns about Labor’s crackdown on digital platforms, warning that rushed laws to impose minimum age limits on social media could cause more harm than intended. Source: Canberra Times.


Diocese welcomes publication of first external audit report

Broken Bay Diocese has welcomed the publication of its first external audit report against the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Source: Broken Bay News.

Middle East

Caritas Lebanon delivers 130,000 hot meals in four days

Caritas Australia’s partners in Lebanon have given an update on the charity’s assistance in the beleaguered country, with more than 130,000 hot meals delivered in four days to people in need.


Think of a clothing donation as a financial donation: Vinnies

The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW this week held a clothing collection in the heart of Sydney, asking people to donate as much as possible in one big effort.


Synod’s legacy will be implementation of Vatican II: Cardinal Czerny

Cardinal Michael Czerny hopes the legacy of the Synod on Synodality launched by Pope Francis will be the implementation of the Second Vatican Council in order to exercise the mission of Jesus Christ in the modern-day world. Source: National Catholic Register.

Archaeology Europe

Researchers discover oldest church in world’s first Christian nation

German and Armenian researchers have discovered an ancient church in Armenia dating back to the fourth century, making it the oldest documented church in the country, which is considered to be the first Christian nation in the world. Source: CNA.

Film Review

Charming and poignant stop-motion tale of troubled twins

Molluscs have heroic status in Melbourne animator Adam Elliot’s new stop-motion film, Memoir of a Snail. Source: Australian Catholics.