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Synod considers the doctrinal authority of bishops’ conferences

Recognising the doctrinal authority of bishops’ conferences does not mean allowing them to reject the teaching authority of the Pope, but rather to apply Church teaching to their unique context, the prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Bishops said yesterday. Source: Catholic Review.


Diocese becomes first to have audit completed by external firm

Broken Bay Diocese has this week become the first diocese to have a National Catholic Safeguarding Standards audit completed by an external audit firm on the NCSS Auditor Register. Source: ACSL.

Education First Nations

Catholic Education welcomes extension of funding for Indigenous boarders

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the Albanese Government’s decision to extend the Indigenous Boarding Providers Grants Program but says a long-term solution is needed to support educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

HIgher Education

ACU to refund graduates after keynote speech sparks walkout

Australian Catholic University will refund graduation fees for hundreds of students who walked out of their ceremony in protest of a keynote speech that railed against abortion and gay marriage. Source: The Age.

Education People

Catholic schools have something to offer that no money can buy, says principal

Catholic schools offer something that no money can buy – an encounter with Christ and deep spiritual formation, says Sr Mary Sarah Galbraith OP. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Church leaders call for truth and dignity in Queensland election debate

With nearly one million votes cast early, Queenslanders are keen to have their voices heard on October 26. Source: Catholic Leader.

Pope Francis War

Pope reiterates appeal for peace in the world

Pope Francis yesterday reiterated his appeal for peace in the world, saying the fatality statistics coming from Ukraine are “terrible” and that Palestine is suffering “inhumane attacks”. Source: Vatican News.

Bishops Southeast Asia

Indonesian Catholics shocked by bishop’s decision to decline cardinalship

An Indonesian bishop’s decision to decline cardinalship has shocked Catholics in the Muslim-majority country. Source: UCA News.

South Asia

Church tells Sri Lankan politicians not to exploit Easter Sunday attack

The deadly Easter Sunday 2019 terrorist attack in Sri Lanka needs to not be exploited by a politician, says the Archdiocese of Colombo. Source: Crux.