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Push to make medical abortion more available

A push is underway to make medical abortion more accessible across Australia by cutting down the regulatory barriers around who can prescribe the pill combination and where it can be stocked. Source: The Age.


Catechism in a Year podcast tops charts

For the third year in a row, a Catholic podcast has bolted out of the gate in the New Year to become the most popular on Apple Podcasts, beating out secular podcasts from The New York Times, NBC News and NPR. Source: CNA.


Release of detained immigrants a ‘sudden, fantastic relief’

About 100 people held in immigration detention centres across Australia were released in the few days before Christmas. Source: SBS News.


More than 100 priests, sisters kidnapped, arrested or killed last year

At least 12 priests and five religious sisters were murdered during 2022 while carrying out their mission. Source: The Catholic Leader

Health Pope Francis

Health is not a luxury: Pope Francis

Pope Francis has praised the work of healthcare professionals and called on governments to ensure universal access to decent healthcare. Source: Vatican News.

Human Rights Social Justice

Catholics ‘must act’ for racial justice to honour Martin Luther King’s struggle

Catholics “must act” for racial justice, starting with personal conversion, to honour Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s struggle and eliminate racial injustices, says the president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Source: OSV News/NCR.


Cardinal Pell farewelled in Vatican funeral

Cardinal George Pell, who died in Rome last week of a cardiac arrest following hip surgery, has been remembered as “a man of God and a man of the Church” during his funeral Mass at St Peter’s Basilica. Source: CNS.


Cardinal praised for ‘consistent and committed witness’

Church and community leaders have expressed shock and sadness at the unexpected death of Cardinal George Pell in Rome last week, but paid tribute to him as a man of faith who provided strong and clear leadership.


Cardinal Pell to be buried in St Mary’s Cathedral crypt

It’s a nearly 100-year-old ornate crypt with “one of the finest mosaic floors in the world” and soon it will be the final resting place for Cardinal George Pell. Source. ABC News.