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Bishops congratulate Cardinal-designate Mykola Bychok 

Eparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia, Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR, said he received the news that he would be created a cardinal in December with “great surprise”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Middle East Pope Francis

Pope marks anniversary of outbreak of Israel-Hamas war 

On the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, Pope Francis expressed his solidarity with all those suffering because of conflicts throughout the Middle East. Source: CNS.

Synod Women

Obsession over women’s ordination harmful, Bishop Randazzo says

Controversy over women’s ordination, even at the Synod, detracts attention from the plight of women in the Church and society, Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo said on Friday. Source: Catholic Review. 


Labor to revive debate over housing bill

The Albanese Government is set to revive debate over its housing agenda with a key bill to be reintroduced in the lower house after being blocked in the Senate. Source: Canberra Times.


Historic ecumenical event a sign of unity between sister churches 

Dialogue is key to Christian participation in the divine life, the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church told attendees at a historic ecumenical event at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, yesterday. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 


Helèna’s dream of house for young adults living with disabilities will come true

Helèna McIlwain’s dream to build a house in Queensland for young adults living with disabilities is coming true. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Mother’s death and exploration of afterlife inspire winning entry

Poet and author Christine Paice has won $10,000 in the Australian Catholic University Prize for Poetry for a poem about the death of her mother.

Death Penalty United States

Catholics in US urged to campaign against death penalty

Opponents of the death penalty voiced dismay after five men were executed in the United States in the space of one week, including Marcellus Williams, whose prosecutors had raised doubts about the safety of his conviction. Source: The Tablet.


Archbishop says humanitarian situation in Haiti desperate

A Haitian archbishop says the arrival of UN-backed foreign police forces has not improved the nation’s security situation and the humanitarian crisis is worsening. Source: Vatican News.