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Synod members urged to allow the Holy Spirit to speak 

Synod on Synodality members may need to let go of their old ways or a desire to make everything new and instead allow the Holy Spirit to speak, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP said yesterday. Source: America Magazine.

Legal Matters

Former Broome bishop pleads not guilty to criminal charges

The former Bishop of Broome has pleaded not guilty to a string of criminal charges in Western Australia’s far north, including historic sexual offences. Source: ABC News.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland inquiry rejects bill to protect babies born alive after abortion

A parliamentary committee has recommended the Queensland Government reject a bill that would protect babies who survive late-term abortions and are left to die. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Appointment Religious Orders

Star of the Sea Province appoints first head of province ministries

The Marists of Champagnat Star of the Sea Province have appointed Mark Pauschmann as its first executive director of province ministries.

HIgher Education

New program to boost teacher numbers

Australian Catholic University has launched its new All Points to Teaching program designed to boost employment-based pathways and access to fully funded undergraduate and postgraduate teaching degrees.

Charity Middle East

Caritas mobilises to provide emergency relief in Lebanon

Caritas Australia partners are responding to the intensified crisis in Lebanon, as Caritas Internationalis expressed “grave concern” at the “significant loss of life and injury, particularly among civilians”.

Abuse crisis New Zealand

Bishops and leaders renew apology in response to findings of inquiry into abuse

New Zealand’s Catholic bishops and leaders of religious congregations have renewed a “sincere and unconditional apology” to people who suffered abuse in Catholic settings as part of an initial response to a national inquiry. Source: NZCBC.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope’s prayer intention for October is for ‘a shared mission’

Pope Francis’ monthly prayer intention for October is for “a shared mission” as he calls on the faithful to do their best to contribute to a sense of co-responsibility in the Church. Source: Vatican Media.

South Asia

Sri Lankan court pursues compensation for victims of Easter bombing

Sri Lanka’s top court has initiated contempt proceedings against a former intelligence officer after he failed to pay full compensation to the victims of the deadly 2019 Easter Sunday attack. Source: UCA News.