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Financial Abuse

Inquiry to examine role of banks in preventing financial abuse

A new federal inquiry is set to shine a light on financial abuse in Australia, which is considered a more hidden form of family and domestic violence. Source: ABC News.

In The Dioceses Synod

Brisbane Synod aims to ‘move forward on mission together’

Brisbane Archdiocese is holding a Synod to start putting into action the outcomes of the Plenary Council. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Cost Of Living Politics

Albanese hints at Budget help with energy bills

Households hoping for cost-of-living relief will welcome comments from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese yesterday that hinted at extended energy price help in this year’s federal Budget. Source:


Priest’s relief as precious cargo makes safe landing

Fr Greg Skulski SDS arrived in Sydney from Poland on February 13 holding on tightly to his hand luggage. In it was the most precious cargo he had ever carried: the cassock of St Pope John Paul II. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Interfaith Peace Pope Francis

Pope tells religious leaders to counter war rhetoric with focus on peace

In a world filled with “bellicose rhetoric”, religious leaders must make extra efforts to speak of peace and to nurture every action and attitude that lessens tensions and increases dialogue, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.

United States

Baltimore parish supports families affected by bridge collapse

As the US city of Baltimore grapples with the aftermath of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, a local parish has emerged as a beacon of hope and support for those affected. Source: Redemptorists of Oceania.

Ecumenism Ukraine

Zelenskyy meets Ukraine’s Christian leaders

Ukraine’s Latin Rite Catholic Bishops, along with representatives of the nation’s Protestant communities, met with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday at a meeting organised by the Ukrainian Bible Society. Source: Vatican News.

People Prayer

Oldest man in the world dies aged 114

Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, who prayed the Rosary twice a day and was the confirmed oldest man in the world, died on Tuesday, just weeks before his 115th birthday. Source: CNA.

Film Review

Horrific truth behind the journey of asylum-seekers

Io Capitano is a dramatic, subtitled film that recounts the adventures of two African teenage boys who – against the advice of their parents – decide to journey together from Senegal to Europe to escape from poverty and disadvantage. Source: Australian Catholics.