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Aged Care

Nursing shortage threatens plans to fix aged care sector

A national nursing shortage is wrecking plans to improve aged care despite a looming federal bid to fix the troubled sector, with the deficit likely to double by 2030 as demand for nurses continues to rise. Source: The Age.

HIgher Education

Cap on international students to hit ACU

Australian Catholic University says it is “disappointed” in the Albanese Government’s decision to cap the number of international students.

Social Services

New chapter in the delivery of Catholic social services in South Australia

A new brand, a change in name and a revamped website all make for a new chapter in the delivery of Catholic social services in South Australia. Source: The Southern Cross.


Support centre for homeless gets go ahead thanks to philanthropists

Construction of a new support centre and housing for people experiencing homelessness in Perth is set to commence thanks to the generosity of key Western Australian philanthropists. Source: The eRecord.

Census Politics

Albanese says sexuality and gender identity census questions ‘weren’t appropriate’

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says his Government told the Australian Bureau of Statistics to cancel testing new census questions on sexuality, gender identity and intersex status because they “weren’t appropriate”. Source: ABC News.

In The Dioceses

Palm Island community marks 100th anniversary of first Mass

Queensland’s Palm Island community marked the 100th anniversary of the first Mass on the island, in a joyful celebration of culture and faith. Source: In The Word.

Environment Pope Francis

Pope: The planet is sick but are we listening to this pain?

Rising global temperatures are a sign not just of climate change but a signal the planet is sick, Pope Francis said in a new video announcing his prayer intention for the month of September. Source: NCR Online.

Vatican Weapons

Vatican calls for moratorium on ‘killer robots’

As the use of autonomous weapons systems becomes an increasingly prominent feature of modern warfare, the Vatican is backing new restrictions on AI-driven lethal autonomous weapon systems. Source: Crux.

United States

Cemetery says ‘natural burial’ aligns with Catholic teaching

The Chicago Archdiocese is offering a new “natural burial” option at one of its cemeteries, which officials say will help “honour the dignity of life” while respecting the environment. Source: CNA.