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Sr Jane Maisey RSJ with her poster (Design Jane website)

When graphic designer Sr Jane Maisey RSJ hears of a need into which she can pour her artistic talents, it is an invitation that she cannot turn down. Source: NZ Catholic.

So, when New Zealand priest Fr Merv Duffy SM asked her if she could create an image that would feature the books of the Bible, she said “yes”, in a very Catholic way.

“When you hear a need, the design process or creative process for someone who’s Catholic or that has a spirituality, is you have to take it into prayer and you have to give it time because … it’s not a mathematical problem in an accounting sense. It’s more of a process of listening for a revelation,” she said.

Fr Duffy showed Sr Jane an image that he had cobbled together of a bookcase that had the books of the Bible stacked on it.

But as the creative process churned in her mind, Sr Jane said that she started thinking about stained glass.

“We have such a beautiful tradition with stained glass in our churches throughout the world. It’s beauty that invites us in, beauty that is non-confrontational. It’s welcoming to everybody. It’s alluring,” she said. “So, with developing it, I said, ‘ok, let’s do the stained-glass thing.’”

Sr Jane said a few more people asked her for such an image, which convinced her that there was a need for a visual representation of the books of the Bible.

Sr Jane reflected that Catholics are “not ferocious readers” of the Bible, unlike people from other Christian denominations. She hopes that this poster will help attract people to reading the Scriptures.

“We are all invited into relationships through the Word, and through beauty, which leads us to goodness and truth,” she said. “Beauty is revelation that leads to relationship.”

For more information on Sr Jane’s Books of the Bible poster, go to


Sister Jane creates an image of the many books of the Bible (NZ Catholic)