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Religious Freedom

Australia ‘falling behind’ on religious freedom

Australia is trailing much of the world in protecting ­religious freedoms, with current provisions open to contest ­because they haven’t been enshrined in law, according to an ­independent study. Source: The Australian


Half a million Australians ask bank to ban them from gambling

More than half a million Australians have asked their bank to temporarily ban them from gambling, a parliamentary inquiry has been told. Source: SBS News.


Lay Salvatorians celebrate Vatican recognition

Australia’s Lay Salvatorian community is celebrating its recent recognition by the Vatican as an international association of the faithful. Source: The

Legal Matters

Court upholds ruling against Catholic Church over paedophile priest

Victoria’s highest court has ruled that the Catholic Church is vicariously liable for sexual abuse by a paedophile priest because he was a “servant of the diocese” whose role gave him the “power and intimacy” to access and abuse children. Source: The Guardian.


Reimagining Ministerial Women for the 21st century

One of the highlights of the blessing and opening of the newly renovated Sisters of the Good Samaritan Congregational Centre in Glebe recently was the unveiling of a series of specially commissioned artworks, The Ministerial Women, by Terry St Ledger. Source: The Good Oil.

Parish Life

Blessing of the hounds opens doggy-door to parish hospitality

Paw-rishioners of Sydney parish, St Joseph’s Newtown, were treated to a “dog’s breakfast” recently, with more than 30 canines of all shapes and sizes attending the special event, which included home-made dog biscuits, a blessing and doggy certificate. Source: Catholic Weekly.


Vatican learns of installation of Chinese bishop in media reports

A Chinese bishop was installed yesterday as the bishop of Shanghai with the Vatican learning of the installation via media reports. Source: CNA/Vatican News.

New Zealand

Catholic school makes room for cyclone-hit state school students

A small Catholic school in a cyclone-hit region of New Zealand has doubled its student population by opening its doors to accommodate the local state school students. Source: NZ Catholic.


Dominican Sister to head Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Pope Francis has named Dominican Sister Helen Alford, dean of the faculty of social sciences at the Angelicum University in Rome president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Source: CNS.