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World Youth Day

‘We have been called because we are loved,’ Pope tells 500,000 pilgrims

At Pope Francis’ first official World Youth Day event in Portugal, he told the 500,000 young people that their presence was no accident and that God has called each one by name. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom

NSW Parliament passes religious vilification bill

Legislation making it illegal to publicly ridicule someone due to their religious beliefs has passed in the New South Wales Parliament. Source: Illawarra Mercury.

Religious Orders

New CRA national council elected at ‘Daring to Dream’ assembly

Catholic Religious Australia has elected a new national council as 140 leaders of religious congregations gathered this week in Sydney for the 2023 CRA national assembly.

Opinion World Youth Day

World Youth Day bringing together Church’s future leaders  

I can honestly say the experience of World Youth Day Sydney in 2008 changed the course of my life, writes Monica Doumit. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Charity Ecology

Delegation on TRACC to transform rural lives in Timor-Leste

Caritas Australia welcomed a delegation of Church and government representatives from Timor-Leste to Sydney yesterday. 


Ava brushes aside the competition to take out top award

A Perth Catholic school student has won the top prize and a people’s choice award in a statewide annual art event for students. Source: The Record.

Europe Vocations

Pilgrims climb ‘the Reek’ to promote vocations in Ireland

Bishops joined 4000 pilgrims from across Ireland in the annual Reek Sunday pilgrimage climb of Croagh Patrick as part of the Church’s drive for vocations to the priesthood. Source: UCA News.

United States

Church attendance by Gen X drops to a new low

Church attendance in the United States has dropped off since the pandemic for Generation X more sharply than for other age groups, according to a new survey. Source: National Catholic Register.

Film Review

Pilgrimage to Lourdes provides framework for period drama

In The Miracle Club, a group of Irish women have a tantalising dream – to escape the gauntlet of domestic life by winning a pilgrimage to the sacred French town of Lourdes. Source: Australian Catholics.