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Articles By This Author

Gender Pope Francis

‘Ugly’ gender ideology is the worst danger, Pope says

The gifts of men and women are “fruitful” together, and to erase the difference between men and women “is to erase humanity”, Pope Francis said. Source: OSV News.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Five million Australians to benefit from boost to welfare payments

Recipients of the age and disability support pensions, carers and single parents are among the five million Australians who will receive boosts to their payments this month as indexation is applied to the benefits. Source: The Australian.

Legal Matters

Details of charges against retired bishop revealed

Details of charges against former Broome Bishop Christopher Saunders were revealed on Friday, after the retired bishop failed in his bid to prevent their publication. Source: ABC News.


Parts of ACT’s euthanasia bill to be rewritten

Officials have already been tasked with rewriting parts of the ACT’s proposed euthanasia laws, with the Government saying it intended to begin debating the bill in the first half of this year. Source: Canberra Times.

Art Women

Great Women of Faith exhibition pops up in Melbourne

An exhibition showcasing women of faith has opened at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, with 24 pop art portraits by Cologne-based artist Barbara Skorupa. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Seniors Youth

In a world of go, go, go, volunteers learn to go slow

In a society always in a hurry, a team from Sydney Catholic Youth has spent time bridging the generational divide to learn more about the beauty of taking things slow. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Africa Laity Liturgy

Australian Catholic University training Nigerian lay ministers

The Australian Catholic University’s Centre for Liturgy is helping to train lay liturgical ministers of the Word in Nigeria. Source: UCA News.

Middle East Pope Francis

Pope makes emotional plea for ceasefire in Gaza

Pope Francis yesterday called for Israel and Hamas to reach an agreement for “an immediate ceasefire in Gaza”, repeating “Enough!” and “Stop!” from the window of the apostolic palace. Source: The Tablet.


New telescope reshaping ideas about how universe began  

Orbiting the sun nearly 1.6 million kms from Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope is reshaping the way scientists understand the universe and its origins, astronomers have told a Vatican-sponsored meeting. Source: CNS.