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Articles By This Author

Cost Of Living Politics

Labor’s reworked stage 3 tax cuts pass Senate

The Albanese Government’s reworked stage 3 tax cuts passed the Senate yesterday, giving every working Australian a reduced tax bill as politicians look for solutions to the cost-of-living crisis. Source:

In The Dioceses Safeguarding

Key safeguarding requirements being met in Maitland-Newcastle

A safeguarding audit report of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has found the diocese is meeting key safeguarding requirements.

Charity Cost Of Living

New ACT Vinnies chief says housing crisis a ‘national emergency’

The St Vincent de Paul Society ACT’s new president has described Australia’s rise in the cost of living and housing unaffordability as both a crisis and a national emergency. Source: Catholic Voice.

Prayer Pro-Life

Pro-life advocates ‘praying harder than ever’ for end to abortion

Pro-life advocates are back on the streets of Brisbane praying for an end to abortion over the 40 days of Lent. Source: The Catholic Leader.


An invitation to encounter God and enter into communion with him

Mission is tirelessly going out to all men and women to invite them with respect, joy and kindness, to encounter God and enter into communion with him, Pope Francis has written in his message for World Mission Sunday. Source: CNS and Catholic Mission.

Lent Opinion

Lent a chance to embrace discomfort for a greater outcome

As creatures of comfort we rarely court hardships, but Lent gives us an opportunity to give something up for a greater outcome, writes Justine Toh. Source: The Guardian. 

Appointment Education

Transforming Catholic college into a co-educational school

Catholic Schools Broken Bay has appointed Mark Robinson as the senior executive overseeing the transformation of the delivery of Catholic education in New South Wales’ Northern Beaches precinct.

Martyrs Pope Francis Prayer

Courage of Christian martyrs a blessing for everyone: Pope  

Christians who never renounce their love for Christ and are faithful to the point of death are a blessing for everyone, Pope Francis says in a video released yesterday. Source: CNS.

Africa Vatican

Cardinal Sarah cautions against Christian disunity 

Cardinal Robert Sarah has warned that disunity among followers of Christ is counterproductive to the mission of witnessing the Gospel message and evangelisation. Source: CNA.