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Articles By This Author

Euthanasia Politics

New push to legalise telehealth consultations on euthanasia 

Independent MP Kate Chaney is calling on the federal Parliament to back her push to overturn a ban on telehealth consultations for people wanting to access voluntary euthanasia services. Source: ABC News.

In The Dioceses

Maintenance work on heritage fence to require removal of ribbons

Ribbons tied to the fence at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Ballarat as a symbol of support for abuse victims will need to be removed so the Ballarat Diocese can conduct maintenance work on the cast-iron fence. 

Mental Health

Sharp rise in number of young Australians in psychological distress

Australians are experiencing a surge of psychological distress, with loneliness rising sharply among young people during the pandemic, a new study has revealed. Source: The Guardian.

Employment First Nations Jobs Market Blog

Labor announces $700m jobs program for Indigenous Australians

The Albanese Government will invest $707 million in a new jobs program for remote Australia that it says will deliver 3000 jobs and better living conditions for Indigenous Australians over the next three years. Source: The Australian.


Careena’s five-decade journey to the Catholic faith

The Sydney Centre for Evangelisation is shining a spotlight on Catholics who have incredible, inspiring stories of faith through its “Disciple Diaries” initiative. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

For The Diary In The Dioceses

Divine Mercy expert to speak at retreat day and healing service

An internationally renowned speaker and expert in the Divine Mercy devotion is visiting Australia this month to offer a retreat day and healing service in the Broken Bay Diocese.

Digital Life Pope Francis

Technology challenging the meaning of being human: Pope

Scientific and technological abilities, which are the product of human creativity, are accelerating at such a rapid pace that people must decide how to use their creativity responsibly, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

India Religious Freedom

Church in India to observe day of prayer amid growing religious tensions

The Church in India has called for observing March 22 as a “day of prayer and fasting for peace and harmony in the country” amid growing religious tensions. Source: CNA.

Agriculture Europe

Udder disgrace: Ercolina II moved on from St Peter’s Square

A cow that has become a symbol of Europe-wide protests against low food prices and rising costs was denied entry to St Peter’s Square on Sunday. Source: Crux.