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Articles By This Author

Laity Liturgy Women

Don’t reduce women’s role in Church to question of ministry: Pope

The importance of women in the Church cannot be “reduced” to the question of ministry, Pope Francis told members of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments yesterday. Source: CNS.

Legal Matters

Church refused leave to appeal Vic court ruling

The Melbourne Archdiocese has lost a major legal fight to block the parents, siblings, friends and families of abuse victims from suing for damages. Source: Herald Sun.

Cost Of Living Employment Politics

Care economy workers ‘the big winners’ in tax cuts overhaul

Workers in the care economy will significantly benefit from Labor’s redesigned stage three income tax cuts, with more than 97 per cent of aged and disability carers, childcare workers and nurses receiving a bigger tax cut than under the original plan. Source: The Australian.

Middle East

Religious sister pleas for relief for Gaza

One of the last remaining religious sisters in the Catholic parish of the Holy Family in Gaza has appealed “for peace, for respect and for human rights”. Source: The Tablet.

In The Dioceses

New initiative aims to reignite missionary spirit in parish communities

Archbishop Julian Porteous has launched a major new initiative for the Hobart Archdiocese, seeking to reignite the missionary spirit in parish communities in Tasmania. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Ecumenism South Australia

MPs urged to be ‘salt to the world’

Adelaide Archbishop Patrick O’Regan hosted an ecumenical service at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral yesterday to mark the opening of the South Australian parliamentary year. Source: The Southern Cross.

For The Diary Social Services

Conference to strengthen work of Catholic social services in Church’s mission

Representatives from an array of Church ministries will soon gather in Melbourne to exchange ideas and collaborate on practical ways to address the challenges of the times at the National Catholic Social Services Conference. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

United States

US bishop says border security shouldn’t come at expense of humanity

A Texas bishop has told US lawmakers that the “right and responsibility” to manage the border should not come at the expense of humanitarian protection. Source: Crux.

Film Review

Writer loses the plot when life starts imitating art

In Argylle, a reclusive author who writes espionage novels realises the plot of the new book she’s writing starts to mirror real-world events, in real time. Source: Australian Catholics.