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Articles By This Author

Food Security

Australia can help feed the world, Albanese tells G20

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told world leaders that Australian food exports could help avert global famine and declared the country’s prospects as a green energy giant will prove decisive in the shift to a low-carbon future. Source: The Australian.

Financial Abuse

Schemes increasingly becoming avenue for financial abuse, report finds 

Buy now, pay later schemes are becoming an avenue for financial abuse, according to a report by Good Shepherd, a Catholic charity that supports women and girls experiencing abuse and disadvantage. Source: The Guardian.


Catholic school fees to rise by 7 per cent

Parents with students at Catholic schools in the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese are facing a 7 per cent hike in fees next year. Source: RiotACT.

Africa Appeal

Salesian launch emergency appeal for displaced Africans

Salesian Missions Australia has launched an emergency relief appeal for the Horn of Africa, where the Salesians of Don Bosco are providing access to food relief, education, basic necessities and agriculture programs.

History Interfaith

Concerns about anti-Semitism raised at Holocaust remembrance service 

Adelaide’s religious and community leaders used the annual Remembrance of the Shoah service in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral to raise concerns about increasing anti-Semitism while warning of the dangers of staying silent. Source: The Southern Cross.


Pope prays for victims of Istanbul bomb attack

As authorities in Turkey continued to investigate who was responsible for a deadly bombing in a busy shopping district in Istanbul, Pope Francis prayed for victims and the nation. Source: CNS.

Peace Ukraine

Top Vatican diplomat to celebrate Mass for peace in Ukraine

In the Holy See’s latest bid to help bring an end to the war between Ukraine and Russia, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin will this week preside over a special Mass for peace in Ukraine. Source: Crux.

Election Victoria

Bishops release voting guide for Victorian election

Victoria’s bishops have written to the state’s Catholic community to provide an election guide designed to help them consider and navigate key issues of significance, particularly those related to the common good.

Climate Environment

Pope offers encouragement to delegates at COP27 conference

As delegates continue deliberations at the 2022 UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt, Pope Francis offered his encouragement for efforts to protect the environment. Source: Vatican News.