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Articles By This Author

Religious Orders

Good Sams move into new, purpose-built home

Nine Melbourne-based Sisters of the Good Samaritan have moved into Benedicta House, a new, built-for-purpose residence. Source: The Good Oil.

Feast Day Pope Francis

The fullness of life is realised in Jesus: Pope 

On Divine Mercy Sunday yesterday, Pope Francis noted that the “fullness of life” comes not from the pursuit of transitory pleasure but is “realised in Jesus”. Source: CNA.

Asia Natural disasters

Pope thanked for ‘closeness and solidarity’ after deadly Taiwan quake 

After a massive earthquake shook Taiwan last week, leaving at least 10 people dead, the island’s ambassador to the Holy See, Matthew Lee, thanked the world for its solidarity, and Pope Francis specifically for his spiritual closeness. Source: Crux.

North America

Seminary latest Church target in Haiti’s ‘dizzying chaos’ 

An attack on a seminary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is the most recent in a series of incidents involving Catholic Church targets, amid the worst crisis in the Caribbean nation in several years. Source: OSV News.

Financial Abuse

Inquiry to examine role of banks in preventing financial abuse

A new federal inquiry is set to shine a light on financial abuse in Australia, which is considered a more hidden form of family and domestic violence. Source: ABC News.

In The Dioceses Synod

Brisbane Synod aims to ‘move forward on mission together’

Brisbane Archdiocese is holding a Synod to start putting into action the outcomes of the Plenary Council. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Cost Of Living Politics

Albanese hints at Budget help with energy bills

Households hoping for cost-of-living relief will welcome comments from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese yesterday that hinted at extended energy price help in this year’s federal Budget. Source:


Priest’s relief as precious cargo makes safe landing

Fr Greg Skulski SDS arrived in Sydney from Poland on February 13 holding on tightly to his hand luggage. In it was the most precious cargo he had ever carried: the cassock of St Pope John Paul II. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Interfaith Peace Pope Francis

Pope tells religious leaders to counter war rhetoric with focus on peace

In a world filled with “bellicose rhetoric”, religious leaders must make extra efforts to speak of peace and to nurture every action and attitude that lessens tensions and increases dialogue, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.