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Bishops Poverty

Bishops tell Senate inquiry needs of the vulnerable must come first

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has told parliamentarians that they should place the needs of vulnerable people at the centre of the country’s culture and politics. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops In The Dioceses

Bishop Michael Kennedy installed as Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle 

Bishop Michael Kennedy was installed as the ninth Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle in a liturgical reception at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton, on Friday.

Bishops Youth

Mary helps us to be the best disciples of Jesus: Archbishop Costelloe

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has told a gathering of British youth that the Church needs their energy, enthusiasm, restlessness and idealism. Source: The Record.

Bishops Environment Oceania

Oceania bishops call for ‘deeper ecological conversion’

The Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania has released a statement focused on the oceans, which speaks of the need for “deeper ecological conversion” and to embrace “the challenge of integral ecology”. 

Bishops Oceania Synod

Bishops carry shared mission home from Oceania assembly

The Catholic bishops of Oceania have concluded their week-long gathering in Fiji with a missioning Mass, being encouraged to respond to the hopes and challenges they shared with hearts of mission and service.

Appointment Bishops Oceania

Bishop Randazzo named new president of Oceania Federation

Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo has been announced as the new president of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania.

Bishops Disaster Oceania

Oceania bishops send prayers, condolences to Syria and Türkiye

The Catholic bishops of Oceania have sent a message of prayerful condolence and solidarity to Church and civic leaders in Türkiye and Syria as the countries suffer the effects of devastating earthquakes.

Bishops Oceania Synodality

Bishops hear call for ‘theology of the Pacific’

Oceania’s Catholic bishops have been invited to imagine a “theology of the Pacific”, that would allow the Church in the region to speak with a voice and a faith that is “distinctive”. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops Environment

Care for creation a focus for Oceania bishops assembly

The bishops of Oceania encountered the scriptural and practical realities of God’s creation on Monday, hearing the Creation story at morning Mass and later seeing the effects of climate change in Fiji. Source: ACBC Media Blog.