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Charity Housing

Vinnies calls for Government action over rental crisis

The St Vincent de Paul Society is calling on the Albanese Government to implement “workable solutions” to fix the availability and affordability of rental properties in both urban centres and regional areas.

Charity Middle East

Caritas launches petition calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza 

Caritas Australia has echoed a statement from Caritas Internationalis, which expresses deep concern about the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law unfolding in the Holy Land. 

Charity Oceania

Faith-based organisations key to advancing gender equality in PNG: Report

Caritas Australia has released a report on the role of faith-based organisations and leaders in furthering women’s economic empowerment in Papua New Guinea.

Charity Middle East

Caritas offers support in Gaza but ‘supplies are running out’

Caritas Australia’s partner agencies in Gaza have supported more than 9000 households with essential supplies and psychological first aid since the outbreak of war in the region last month.

Charity Climate Ecology

Caritas report gives a voice to victims of climate change

Caritas Internationalis has launched a new report that reveals the experiences of people displaced by climate change. Source: Caritas Australia.

Charity Middle East

Religious sister in Gaza pleads for peace and humanitarian aid 

A religious sister who is principal of the Rosary Sisters School in Gaza has issued a heartfelt plea for peace and immediate humanitarian aid in the war-torn region. Source: Aid to the Church in Need.

Charity Prayer

Founder ‘delighted’ to hand stewardship of FoSS to ACN

Stewardship of the Australian-founded Friends of the Suffering Souls, a lay-led association and charity that facilitates Masses for those in purgatory, has been formally handed to Aid to the Church in Need.

Charity Poverty

Vinnies urges Government and all MPs tackle poverty

This year’s Anti-Poverty Week is shining a light on the children of families who receive inadequate social security payments and depend on emergency support from charities, the St Vincent de Paul Society says.

Charity Environment Pope Francis

Caritas Australia backs Pope’s ‘ecological vision’

Caritas Australia has welcomed Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, To All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis, which was released on Wednesday.