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Children In The Dioceses

New curriculum aims to encourage children’s natural curiosity

A world of exploration and wonder has blossomed for children around the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese, with the launch of the Early Years Religious Education Curriculum. Source: Catholic Voice.

Children Families

Dedicated early education plan to help under-5s

Australia will for the first time have a dedicated strategy for children aged up to five years, in a step towards achieving universal access to early childhood education and care. Source: The Australian. 


Campaign launched to find desperately needed foster parents

For more than two years, 11-year-old Ollie has been living in temporary accommodation, cared for by a rotating roster of youth workers. Source: Region Illawarra.

Children Research

Research shows one in 10 young Australians sexually harassed by peers 

One in 10 Australians has been sexually harassed by a peer during their childhood, new Australian Catholic University-led research shows.

Children Pope Francis

Pope tells children they can make world better, one small step at a time

Making the world a better place for everyone starts with prayer and little steps like saying hello, sorry or thank you, Pope Francis said in a letter to the world’s children. Source: CNS.

Children Research

Screens setting back language skills of toddlers, study finds

The average toddler is missing out on hearing more than 1000 words spoken by an adult each day due to screen time, setting back their language skills, a first-of-its kind study has found. Source: The Guardian.