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Disability Immigration

Greens call for end to ‘unconscionable’ deportation of migrants with disability

The Greens are pushing to scrap an “unconscionable” policy that means migrant families face deportation if a child in that family was born with a disability. Source: SBS News.

Aged Care Disability

Café serves up intergenerational fun for residents, trainees and children

A unique social enterprise café on Victoria’s surf coast has become a thriving community hub for aged care residents, trainees with disability and young customers. Source: VMCH.


NDIS godfather says scheme now ‘exact opposite of what was intended’

Australians with a disability are pressured to present “the worst version of themselves or their children” to get help through the National Disability Insurance Scheme or risk having no support at all, according to an interim report from a review into the scheme. Source: SMH.


NDIS can’t look after every Australian with a disability: Shorten

Fewer people with psychosocial disability may be added to the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the future, as NDIS Minister Bill Shorten flags the diversion of 27,000 people to other supports in the next four years who would have otherwise joined the scheme. Source: ABC News.


Minister flags shake-up for disability employment services sector

Australia’s $1.4bn disability employment services program is in for a shake-up, with Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth flagging major changes as part of her plan to drive down the jobless rate among people with disabilities. Source: Herald-Sun.


Planned NDIS funding cap seen as challenging, but achievable

Vulnerable Australians are trying to balance their need for government-funded services while supporting moves to keep the National Disability Insurance Scheme financially stable to ensure future access. Source: Canberra Times.


Shorten outlines key areas of reform in NDIS ‘reboot’

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is set to undergo serious and systemic reform to ensure it continues to meet people’s needs in the long term. Source: SBS News.


Shorten says struggling NDIS should not be ‘the only port of call’

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says schools and the mental health system need to better cater to people with disabilities so the ballooning National Disability Insurance Scheme can return to its original purpose of serving people with the most severe impairments. Source: The Age.

Disability Health Technology

Virtual tour shows challenges of living with intellectual disability 

An Albury study by disability service provider Mercy Connect has used virtual reality to give users a first-hand glimpse of what living with an intellectual disability is like. Source: Catholic Health Australia.