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Call to expand free teaching courses to Catholic schools
Victoria’s Catholic education body has called on the Andrews Government to expand its free teaching courses, arguing it will unfairly favour the state system and won’t fix the teacher shortage crisis. Source: Herald Sun.
Greater literacy promotes sustainable and peaceful societies: Pope
If people can learn how to inflict suffering on others with ever more deadly weapons, they can also learn to stop doing so, Pope Francis said in a message marking International Literacy Day. Source: NCR Online.
Tertiary joins primary to revolutionise teacher education
Lismore Catholic Schools has teamed up with Southern Cross University to reimagine teacher education and training to revolutionise and redefine how teachers are prepared for their career.
Catholic School Parents Australia wants national policy on role of families
Catholic School Parents Australia executive members met with Education Minister Jason Clare last week and discussed “crucial matters” relating to the role families have in the learning and wellbeing of children.
MacKillop Education’s Caulfield campus opens
MacKillop Education has celebrated the opening of its third Melbourne specialist school campus to support students who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from school. Source: Melbourne Catholic.
Pain, blisters, tears and a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ experience
Camino de Santiago pilgrims representing Catholic Education Western Australia say their 121km walk over six days as a group was an unforgettable, “once-in-a-lifetime” experience. Source: The eRecord.
New podcast series gives students a voice
Year 11 students from a Melbourne Catholic secondary school have shared their views on subjects such as bullying, academic stress, addiction, judgement, social media challenges and nurturing friendships in a new series of podcasts. Source: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.
New teaching method a Catalyst for stronger NAPLAN results
Catholic schools in Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese say strong NAPLAN results recorded this year are due, in part, to a newly adopted teaching approach. Source: ABC News.
MACS boss outlines ‘bold and ambitious goal’ for schools
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools executive director Edward Simons outlined a vision for the largest non-government schooling system in Australia at a Melbourne Catholic Professionals gathering last week. Source: Melbourne Catholic.