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New website showcases Catholic education across Australia 

The National Catholic Education Commission has launched a redesigned website to showcase Catholic education, including a new resource centre, media centre and directory for Catholic education peak bodies and school authorities.

Education Leadership

Women school leaders in a class of their own

The principalship dream is now a reality for four Brisbane Catholic Education school leaders, thanks to a unique program that supports women into educational leadership.


Collaboration to strengthen Catholic education in Western Australia

Catholic Education Western Australia has signed a new memorandum of understanding, “In Communion and Mission”, with the state’s bishops and eight other governing bodies of WA’s 163 Catholic schools.


Education stress: More principals planning to quit

There are acute warning signs for Australian schools with “a dramatic increase” of principals under stress and considering calling it quits. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Education Religious Freedom

Religious education fears fall on deaf ears

A letter from Australia’s most senior religious figures expressing “deep disappointment” with the Australian Law Reform Commission’s inquiry into religious schools “had very little impact” on the thinking of the inquiry’s commissioner. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Education Victoria

Religion class enrolments slump in Victoria’s state schools

Religious instruction has almost disappeared from Victorian state schools, as government changes to make the program voluntary and held outside class hours prompted enrolments to drop by 99 per cent in 10 years. Source: The Age.


Archbishop Fisher looks to college ‘to make heroes who make a difference’

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP officially opened and blessed Australia’s first liberal arts school for boys, encouraging it to become a place that will produce “the saints Sydney needs in this 21st century”. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Census data ‘shows value families place on faith-based education’

New Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveal a record number of students in Catholic schools and support for faith-based education, says National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins.

Education Victoria

Catholic schools lose students as more families go independent

Victorian Catholic schools have shed students for the first time in more than a decade as families increasingly choose independent schools. Source: The Age.