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Euthanasia schemes do not protect doctors from prosecution

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has for the first time acknowledged the legal risk that doctors working under state-regulated euthanasia schemes could be prosecuted under Commonwealth laws. Source: The Age.


Former MP: Euthanasia for kids shows we’ve lost our way

Former Liberal MP Kevin Andrews says a proposal being considered by the ACT Government to open euthanasia to 14-year-olds shows society has “lost its way”. Source: The Australian.


Gallagher has faith in ACT’s euthanasia laws

ACT Senator Katy Gallagher says she has faith the Barr Government will handle voluntary euthanasia legislation in the Territory appropriately as a “mature, responsible” Parliament. Source: The Australian.


Allowing teens to access euthanasia would see standards ‘end up in the gutter’

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has warned a proposal being considered by the ACT Government to allow teens as young as 14 to access voluntary assisted dying could see euthanasia become available to “anyone that wants it”. Source: The Australian.


Euthanasia has become ‘just another way to die’ in Canada

The statistics for medically assisted deaths in Canada suggest that euthanasia has become “just another way to die”, according to leading Australian bioethicist Margaret Somerville. Source: The Southern Cross.

Euthanasia South Australia

Twenty-eight South Australians access state’s euthanasia program

A new report reveals 28 South Australians received a permit to die under the state’s euthanasia laws in the scheme’s first three months, and 12 people have died, including one who died without using the medication available. Source: The Advertiser.

Euthanasia United Kingdom

UK Catholic bishops join other faith leaders to oppose euthanasia bills

Catholic bishops in the United Kingdom have joined forces with other faith leaders to oppose legislation that would introduce voluntary euthanasia as part of end-of-life care. Source: Catholic World Report.


Federal Court to rule on legality of euthanasia telehealth

A push to allow euthanasia medical consultations to occur via telehealth will be decided by a Federal Court judge next month, unless the Albanese Government acts sooner. Source: The Australian.

Euthanasia Vatican

Pontifical Academy for Life responds to anger over euthanasia comments

The Pontifical Academy for Life says its president is against assisted suicide but thinks it is possible to have a “legal initiative” that would allow it to be decriminalised in Italy under “specific and particular conditions”. Source: CNA.