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Another decisive Vatican ‘no’ for German reformers

The Vatican has underlined that lay Catholics may not participate in the election of a bishop and has turned down another of the German synodal path initiative’s reform proposals. Source: The Tablet.


Vatican ‘no’ to synodal council reignites row with Church in Germany

In a letter approved by Pope Francis, the Vatican has told the German Synodal Path initiative it does not have the competence to establish a nationwide permanent “synodal council”. Source: The Tablet.

Germany Synodality

Questions about Synodal Path dominate German bishops ‘ad limina’

The German bishops’ meeting with officials of the Roman Curia last week was not a “showdown” but it did make clear the Vatican’s strong concerns about Germany’s Synodal Path, said the president of the bishops’ conference. Source: CNS.


German bishops begin Rome talks on controversial Synodal Way

Amid ongoing concerns over the German Synodal Way, the president of the German Bishops Conference said yesterday unity and renewal in the Catholic Church was “truly not an easy task”. Source: CNA.