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Give nurses and pharmacists a bigger role: Productivity Commission

Governments have created barriers to productivity across the nation’s burgeoning care economy by legislating innovation-stifling staff-to-client ratios and inefficient funding models in health care, the Productivity Commission warns. Source: The Australian.

Health Pope Francis

People in chronic pain need to be acknowledged: Pope

Caring for the sick and suffering includes drawing attention to those who suffer in silence, struggling to find someone who will acknowledge they are in pain and try to help, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.


Premier pays tribute to Catholic health sector

New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet has marked World Day of the Sick with a video message thanking Catholic health workers for their contribution to society. Source: Catholic Health Australia.


A day to acknowledge Church’s contribution to health care 

Catholic health and aged care services invite the community to celebrate World Day of the Sick – now in its 31st year – and acknowledge the important work that these ministries continue to do under challenging circumstances. Source: CHA and ACBC.

Euthanasia Health

Accompanying the dying paramount for Catholic health providers

As voluntary assisted dying laws came into effect in South Australia this week, Catholic Health Australia has reiterated the focus of its members on “healing and accompanying the dying through excellent end-of-life care”. Source: The Southern Cross.


Catholic Health Australia outlines social justice priorities for 2023

Catholic Health Australia has outlined four key areas on which it will build its focus and efforts in social justice over the next year.

Health Modern Slavery

Catholic Health Australia wants national anti-slavery watchdog

Catholic Health Australia is calling on the Albanese Government to establish an independent anti-slavery commissioner as part of reforms to improve the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Health Pope Francis

Health is not a luxury: Pope Francis

Pope Francis has praised the work of healthcare professionals and called on governments to ensure universal access to decent healthcare. Source: Vatican News.


Catholic sector welcomes new surgical items funding scheme

Catholic Health Australia has welcomed the Albanese Government’s announcement that health insurers will continue to pay for essential surgical items such as sutures and skin glues when reforms of a key funding list come into force.