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COVID-19 contributes to Australians’ declining health
Sickness and disease within the Australian population is on the rise for the first time in almost two decades – and COVID-19 is one of the leading causes. Source: SBS News.
Put insurance premiums in hands of panel, says Catholic Health
Catholic Health Australia and the Australian Medical Association are calling for the Health Department and Health Minister Mark Butler to be stripped of their roles in approving health insurance premium rises. Source: Australian Financial Review.
Notre Dame to help boost paramedic numbers in Western Australia
Helping to meet the growing demand for highly skilled paramedics in Western Australia is the aim of a new fast-tracked training program developed by The University of Notre Dame Australia. Source: The eRecord.
Catholic Health urges insurers to pay out more to members
Many of Australia’s biggest health insurance companies are failing to provide good value for customers by keeping too much of their premium revenue for themselves instead of paying it out to patients, says Catholic Health Australia.
How bus stop, fidget blanket improved lives of dementia patients
Dementia is the second-leading cause of death in Australia, which is why Adelaide nurse Liezel Fourie is so committed to making a difference to the lives of patients and their families. Source: The Southern Cross.
Vatican opens ‘field hospital’ in St Peter’s Square
As part of the Vatican celebration of World Day of the Poor on November 13, a dozen doctors and nurses and 90 medical students set up shop in St Peter’s Square. Source: NCR Online.
Mater surgeons remove 2kg tumour from newborn
Saylor Thomson was born at Brisbane’s Mater Mothers’ Hospital with a tumour on her spine twice as heavy as her body weight. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Prisoners have right to ‘care, compassion and healing’
Just as Jesus offered redemption to thieves and tax collectors, so must Catholics routinely consider our similarly marginalised prisoner population, writes Catholic Health Australia’s Brigid Meney. Source: Catholic Outlook.
Negotiating the conflict between faith and the law
The conflict between ethics, directives and laws for health care workers has become an increasingly fraught issue. A conference this weekend looks at how to respond to rising intolerance of faith and ethics. Source: The Catholic Weekly.