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Human Rights Politics

Parliamentary inquiry recommends national Human Rights Act

A new parliamentary report has recommended Australia pass a Human Rights Act that would make it illegal for any public authority to ignore human rights. Source: RiotACT.

Human Rights United Nations

UN anti-torture watchdog issues blunt warning to Australia

The United Nations’ anti-torture watchdog has issued a blunt warning to the Australian Government for dragging its feet after a failure to update progress on improving the treatment of detainees across state prisons and immigration detention facilities. Source: The Guardian.

Human Rights Pope Francis

Pope offers prayers for prisoners of war and victims of torture

Pope Francis has appealed to countries at war to release prisoners and has offered special prayers for those who have endured torture. Source: NCR Online.

Human Rights

Anti-slavery campaigners hold first face-to-face conference in four years

“Modern Slavery: Closer Than You Think” is the theme for the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) members and national committee conference, taking place in Sydney this week.

Europe Human Rights

Church fund ‘not enough’ to right slavery wrongs

The £100 million ($194m) earmarked by the Church of England for a new investment fund to help repair damage caused by its historic links to slavery is “not enough”, a report says. Source: BBC News.

Ageing Appointment Human Rights

Caritas chair appointed to Human Rights Commission

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has appointed Caritas Australia chair Robert Fitzgerald to the Australian Human Rights Commission for a five-year term as Age Discrimination Commissioner. Source: Caritas Australia.

Human Rights Religious Freedom

Christian schools warn Human Rights Act threatens religious freedoms

Australia’s Christian schools peak body has warned a proposed federal Human Rights Act could threaten religious freedoms, urging the Albanese Government to revisit religious discrimination legislation. Source: The Australian.

Health Human Rights Politics

Human Rights Commissioner calls for wider COVID review

Australia’s COVID-19 restrictions are still having a significant impact on people’s lives and must be rigorously reviewed to avoid unnecessary suffering in future, says Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

ACRATH pushes politicians for compensation scheme for modern slavery survivors

A delegation from Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) is this week embarking on its annual advocacy visit to Parliament House in Canberra.