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Pope Francis Prayer

Pope’s prayer intention for ‘a treasure that renews the Church’

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of May is for ecclesial movements and groups, which he describes as a treasure that renews the Church. Source: CNA.


Pope urges prayer for peace and non-violence in April

Pope Francis has urged everyone to pray and work for a non-violent culture which promotes peace in his prayer intention for the month of April. Source: Vatican News.

In The Dioceses Prayer

Catholic communities unite for ‘Fiat – A Weekend of Prayer’

Catholic communities across Melbourne Archdiocese, including the Catholic prison population, will unite in prayer over the next three days during “Fiat –  A Weekend of Prayer”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope urges renewed consecration of Ukraine and Russia to Mary

Pope Francis has urged believers to renew the consecration of humanity – especially Russia and Ukraine – to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Source: Vatican News.

Politics Prayer

Council halts Christian prayer after legal warning

A Melbourne council has paused the use of a Christian prayer asking God to direct it after receiving a legal letter stating its inclusion in council processes was unlawful. Source: The Age.

Abuse crisis Prayer

Pope calls for prayers for victims of abuse

Pope Francis has dedicated this month to praying for victims of abuse, saying simply asking forgiveness is not enough, but the Church must put victims first and avoid cover-up. Source: Crux.

Prayer Ukraine

Ecumenical prayer for peace in Ukraine marks anniversary of Russian invasion

An ecumenical day of prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine was held in the Ukrainian Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne on Friday – the first anniversary of the Russian invasion.

HIgher Education Prayer

ACU says Hallow to Catholic prayer app

Australian Catholic University has teamed up with the world’s leading Catholic prayer and meditation app to offer students and staff a free personal prayer resource during Lent and beyond.

Pope Francis Prayer

‘Viral’ celebration will mark 10th anniversary of Francis’ pontificate

An online prayer initiative has been launched ahead of the 10th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis on March 13. Source: Vatican News.