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Digital Life Priesthood Youth

Fr Galea talks the talk to reach disengaged youth

“Explain the resurrection to me in two minutes without using any Church language.” This is the challenge that Sandhurst priest Fr Rob Galea sets for his staff to ensure they can easily relate to the young people they serve. Source: America Magazine.

Lent Pope Francis Priesthood

Pope Francis gives seminarians new Lenten goals

Pope Francis says Catholics – and especially seminarians – should this Lent rediscover the joy of simplicity, pay less attention to their appearance than to their prayer lives and make a special effort to get along with everyone they live with. Source: OSV News.

Mission Priesthood

From Africa to regional Australia: Fr Eddie’s missionary journey

More than 12,000km from his home and family in Kenya, Fr Eddie Khaemba CSSP says while it has taken some time to become accustomed to life in a new country, he feels completely at home now as one of Australia’s many migrant priests. Source: The Bridge.

Pope Francis Priesthood

Feeling omnipotent at root of clerical abuse: Pope

All forms of clerical abuse begin with a priest thinking he is better than others and detached from reality, Pope Francis said. Source: NCR Online.


No one can or will change nature of priesthood: Cardinal Parolin 

The only way to carry out the new evangelisation called for by Pope Francis is to adopt the pastoral style of a compassionate, humble, patient and simple priest who walks at the same pace as his people, Cardinal Pietro Parolin has told seminarians. Source: OSV News.

In The Dioceses Priesthood

Three new priests ordained for Melbourne Archdiocese

Three men were ordained to the priesthood for the Melbourne Archdiocese at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Pope Francis Priesthood

Pope reminds priests of the ‘essential tie’ between prayer and service

The daily rhythm of the life of a priest should resemble “ping pong” – praying on one’s knees before the tabernacle, helping those in need and returning to prayer, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online. 

Formation Priesthood United States

US seminary starts preparatory year program for priest candidates

A United States seminary has launched a yearlong program to better introduce Catholic men studying for the priesthood to the basics of faith formation, spiritual direction and service to the local community. Source: NCR Online.

Bishops Priesthood

New Zealand priests told to be ready for journey into the unknown

New Zealand’s Catholic priests have been told by Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge to fasten their seatbelts for a journey of change from which there is no going back. Source: NZ Catholic.