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Rishworth confirms additional boost for Jobseeker

A much-needed boost is on the way for Jobseeker and those receiving rent assistance, but Australians on other Centrelink payments will have to wait and see whether a similar-sized increase will hit their accounts. Source:


Dutton gives $40 per fortnight JobSeeker increase green light

More than one million Australians on welfare payments will receive an extra $40 per fortnight from late September after the Coalition agreed to back the Albanese Government’s $4.9 billion Budget package. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Centrelink payment boost one step closer for millions of Australians

New laws boosting the rate of JobSeeker, along with other Centrelink payments such as Youth Allowance and disability support pensions, were introduced to the federal Parliament yesterday. Source: Yahoo News.

Budget Welfare

JobSeeker payment boost for 227,000 Australians over 55

Older recipients of JobSeeker look set to receive higher welfare payments than their younger counterparts, with the Federal Budget expected to increase payments for 227,000 Australians. Source: 7News.

Budget Politics Welfare

Catholic leaders among signatories of JobSeeker letter to PM

Intense pressure remains on the Australian Government to raise the rate of JobSeeker in the imminent May Budget, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declaring he understands “people are under real pressure”. Source: Canberra Times.

Politics Welfare

Chalmers facing growing internal division over JobSeeker

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is facing growing internal division over his decision to reject a core $24 billion recommendation from his Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee to raise JobSeeker by 40 per cent to just under $1000 a fortnight. Source: The Australian. 


Stage 3 tax cuts to go ahead but no news on JobSeeker payment

The Albanese Government remains committed to the $250 billion stage 3 tax cuts but cannot say whether it will lift the JobSeeker payment rate, despite its own expert committee finding it was now “a barrier to paid work”. Source: The Guardian.

Charity Welfare

Vinnies backs experts’ call to raise income support

The St Vincent de Paul Society has urged the Albanese Government to act on all recommendations proposed by the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee, including a large increase to the JobSeeker payment.

Politics Welfare

Experts call for ‘substantial’ increase in income support payments

A group tasked by the Albanese Government to examine income support payments says they are “seriously inadequate”. Source: ABC News.