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Cost Of Living Politics

Coalition to wave through stage 3 tax cut changes

The Coalition has agreed at a partyroom meeting to wave through the Albanese Government’s changes to the stage 3 tax cuts. Source: ABC News.

Legal Matters

Cardinal Pell’s final gift to priests, family and friends

New South Wales Supreme Court documents have revealed the contents of a will signed by Cardinal George Pell in 2016. Source: The Australian.

Art Prayer

Icons to draw seminarians into deeper life of prayer

Six new icons will soon watch over the Blessed Sacrament inside Brisbane’s Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary’s oratory as part of a new installation. Source: The Catholic Leader.

United Kingdom

British cardinal offers prayers for King Charles III after cancer diagnosis

British Cardinal Vincent Nichols offered prayers for King Charles III after Buckingham Palace announced on Monday that the King would step away from some public duties amid treatment for cancer. Source: CNA.


Cardinal says book he wrote 25 years ago does not meet ‘today’s standards’

The Vatican’s doctrinal head says a controversial book he wrote more than 25 years ago is “by current standards … inconvenient” and “did not have the usefulness” he had envisioned at the time of writing. Source: OSV News.


Celebration plans for reopening of Notre Dame unveiled

Ten months before the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Archbishop of Paris has unveiled celebrations for the inauguration of the Gothic masterpiece. Source: Vatican News.

Family Violence Research Social Services

Agencies want more Church involvement in fight against family violence

Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Source: ACU.

Cost Of Living

Low-income earners unable to ‘budget’ out of cost-of-living crisis

People experiencing poverty and job insecurity are increasingly unable to budget their way out of financial crisis, a new report from the Brotherhood of St Laurence has found. Source: The Guardian. 

New South Wales Palliative Care

Petition to restore funding hits 3600 signatures – and counting

A petition to raise awareness about palliative care and restore funding in New South Wales has already collected more than 3600 signatures. Source: Broken Bay News.