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Career Testimonials Catholic Executives

Emma Larsen: Say “yes”, meet people and keep learning

How did you get into the humanitarian aid and development sector? From an early age my parents exposed me and


Call for independent body to set insurance premium rises

Catholic Health Australia is calling for a fundamental overhaul of the way private health insurance premium rises are calculated and approved. Source: The Australian. 

Modern Slavery

Catholic groups report on modern slavery

The Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network has submitted its 2023 ACAN Compendium of Modern Slavery Statements to the Commonwealth Government’s online register of Modern Slavery Statements. 


Early years education centres to meet growing demand

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools is partnering with the Victorian Government to build 12 early years education centres to meet the increasing demand from families in Melbourne’s growing communities. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Human rights concerns raised over NDIS bill as Shorten blasts delays

A Labor-chaired parliamentary committee has flagged human rights concerns with the Albanese Government’s proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Source: The Guardian.

In The Dioceses Liturgy

Young Catholics choose ‘divine and uncompromising’ Latin Mass

A Melbourne church that holds Mass in Latin has been described as one of the fastest-growing parishes in the archdiocese. Why are so many young Catholics travelling hours to get there, asks Angus Mackintosh. Source: ABC News.

Laity Mission

Areté Centre calls for laity with a heart for mission 

Applications are open for the Areté Centre 2025 Foundations of Missionary Leadership program, which is designed to form and equip laypeople for the mission of the Church, contribute to the renewal of parishes, and evangelise others.

Climate Oceania

Oceania speaks to the world about climate change

The Australian embassy to the Holy See has hosted a conference in Rome on the effect of climate change on vulnerable populations among the Pacific Island nations. Source: CNA. 


From cemetery with war dead, cardinal urges world help Ukraine

In what he said was the most dramatic moment of his eight visits to Ukraine, papal almoner Cardinal Konrad Krajewski appealed from a Ternopil cemetery that the world needs to help Ukraine without further delays so that the “nonsense of war” stops. Source: OSV News.