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Religious affiliation in Scotland reaches the lowlands

For the first time, a majority of people in Scotland say they are not religious, according to new census data. Source: BBC News.

United States

US diocese to halve parish numbers over two years

The Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, will have half as many parishes by 2026 as it does now, as part of a pastoral planning effort focused on helping the diocese “be more intentional in cultivating disciples”. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom

Laws must protect religious freedom: ex-PM Howard

Former Prime Minister John Howard has defended the right of faith-based schools to hire staff who share the same religious beliefs and values as “common sense”, saying that it should be respected in any new legislation affecting religious freedoms. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Prayer Victoria

Parliament prayer is a rich and vital tradition: leaders

In response to a push by some parliamentarians to end prayer in the Victorian Parliament, Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has joined faith leaders in writing to state parliamentarians expressing “the fundamental and ongoing importance of prayer in Parliament”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Educators explore how to nurture mind and soul

Some of the world’s most respected and influential Catholic educators have descended on Canberra for a two-day conference on the role of schools as “centres of evangelisation”. Source: Australian Catholic University.

Charity Volunteers

Vinnies calls for 10-year national volunteer strategy

During National Volunteer Week, St Vincent de Paul Society national president Mark Gaetani has thanked the charity’s 45,000 members and volunteers as he called on the Albanese Government to make an investment in the country’s volunteers. 

In The Dioceses

Marian procession a demonstration of Adelaide’s faith

More than 2000 Catholics joined in a public and prayerful demonstration of their faith when they participated in the 75th annual Marian Procession in Adelaide on Pentecost Sunday. Source: The Southern Cross. 

For The Diary Synodality

Jesuit brings theology brewed in an African pot

If you want to hear the phrase “a prayerful, humble and listening Church” spoken in four different languages, Fr Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator SJ is the man you seek. Source: Australian Jesuits.


Cardinal backs women feeling ‘fully equal’ in Church

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ says the Church’s position on female priests is not set in stone and should be discussed further, at the same time warning of triggering “a huge backlash”. Source: CNA.