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Euthanasia United Kingdom

British archbishop says Catholics must fight euthanasia campaign

The United Kingdom is gripped by the “aggressive promotion” of doctor-assisted killing, according to a British archbishop who has urged Catholics to write to their local MPs to resist changes to laws prohibiting euthanasia. Source: Catholic Herald.

Families Vatican

Vatican calls for global ban on child surrogacy

The Vatican’s permanent observer to the United Nations has pressed for an international prohibition against the practice of child surrogacy. Source: NCR Online.

Politics Religious Freedom

Church denounces report on discrimination and schools

The Australian Law Reform Commission’s report on religious educational institutions and anti-discrimination laws released yesterday is unhelpful and falls far short of meeting the Government’s election promises, the Catholic bishops said. Source: ACBC/SMH.

Education Religious Freedom

Catholic Education says report at odds with religious freedom

The National Catholic Education Commission said the Australian Law Reform Commission’s recommendations to remove exemptions for religious educational institutions would severely limit the ability of faith-based schools to operate and teach according to their ethos.

Bishops Funeral

Much-loved humble pastor and ‘man of encounter’ farewelled

Archbishop Francis Carroll was remembered as a man with enormous capacity for the encounter of friendship at the Pontifical Requiem Mass held at St Christopher’s Cathedral yesterday. Source: Catholic Voice.


Principals face escalating levels of physical violence from students

School leaders have reported high levels of resilience despite facing the worst recorded levels of physical violence, threats of violence, and bullying in the 13-year history of ACU’s annual Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey.


Concerns as Queensland widens access to chemical abortions

The Miles Government has passed a bill that would allow nurses and midwives in Queensland to dispense, prescribe, administer or supply MS-2 Step in the early stages of pregnancy. Source: Catholic Leader.

Human Rights

Anti-slavery campaigners hold first face-to-face conference in four years

“Modern Slavery: Closer Than You Think” is the theme for the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) members and national committee conference, taking place in Sydney this week.

Film Review

Remarkable faith story pulls on the heartstrings

The intense joy of a birth.The sadness of an unexpected death. A crowded bar in Louisville, Kentucky, 1993, with an exuberant drinker. Then the title comes up, Ordinary Angels. What is going to happen? Any connection? And then information this is based on a true story. Source: Australian Catholics