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Catholic Social Services puts housing and homelessness on the menu

Housing and homelessness were key topics of conversation at this year’s Catholic Social Services Victoria annual dinner. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Head of NDIS review calls on state and local governments to step up

The future of the National Disability Insurance Scheme depends on state and local governments stepping up to provide services for the millions of Australians with disability who don’t qualify for the scheme, the head of the NDIS review warns. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Mental Health

Cost of living causing distress for most Australian families

More than half of Australian families are reporting higher-than-normal distress due to the rising cost of living, according to new data from Suicide Prevention Australia. Source: The Guardian. 

Art In The Dioceses

Isolation and loneliness brushed away at parish’s art class

An art program at a Sydney Catholic parish is fostering connections between young adults and seniors from multicultural communities who are facing isolation and loneliness. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Asia Papal Trip Pope Francis

Pope encountered ‘a humble and joyful Church’ in Mongolia

Pope Francis said he knows people wonder why he travelled close to 10,000 kilometres to Mongolia to visit a Catholic community of only 1450 people. Source: NCR Online.

Ecology Environment

Church leaders demand ‘ecological justice’

As the annual Season of Creation began on September 1, Church leaders around the world called for ecological justice. Source: The Tablet.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Indexation to give financial boost to 5.5 million Australians

Millions of Australians receiving government support will have their payments lifted by as much as $50 a fortnight as a small relief in the cost-of-living crisis. Source: The Australian.

Health Politics

Calvary inquiry told ‘self-government in ACT not a right’

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese chancellor Patrick McArdle has told a Senate inquiry that self-government in the ACT is not a right. Source: ABC News.

Prayer Refugees

Australian Catholics invited to stand in solidarity with asylum-seekers

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum is this week holding a National Week of Prayer and Action to engage the Australian Catholic community in solidarity with people seeking asylum.