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Misinformation Politics

Labor formally abandons misinformation bill 

The Albanese Government has formally abandoned proposed laws that would have forced social media companies to police misinformation and outright lies on their platforms. Source: ABC News 


Archbishop Fisher condemns anti-Semitic vandalism

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has condemned acts of anti-Semitic vandalism that occurred in Woollahra last week. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Social Justice

Bishop Harris welcomes news of possible deal on Bali 9 members

Townsville Bishop Timothy Harris has cautiously welcomed news that the surviving Bali Nine members will be repatriated to Australia in a deal with Indonesia. Source: The Guardian.

Cost Of Living

Australia suffers worst decline in living standards since 1950s

Households are suffering the worst decline in living standards since the 1950s, with the fall in real disposable income eclipsing those of the past four major recessions including the 1970s inflation crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: The Australian.

Anniversary Religious Orders

Loreto community to celebrate 150 years in Australia 

The Loreto community will embark on a year-long celebration in 2025 marking 150 years since Mother Gonzaga Barry and her nine companions arrived in Melbourne, later settling in Ballarat in May 1875. Source: Pathways.

Pope Francis Youth

Pope urges young people not to get carried away by illusions

Marking the Solemnity of Christ the King and the close of the liturgical year, Pope Francis presided over Mass in St Peter’s Basilica yesterday, urging young Catholics to reject superficial acclaim and embrace authentic Christian witness. Source: CNA.


Cardinal warns war in Ukraine could spiral out of control 

The situation in Ukraine is very “worrisome” and could spiral out of control, said Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin. Source: Catholic Review.

Central America

El Salvador to try former president for 1989 killing of six Jesuits

A judge in El Salvador has ruled that the country’s former president and 10 others will stand trial for the wartime killing of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her teenage daughter in 1989. Source: NCR Online. 

United Kingdom

Brown speaks out against UK assisted suicide bill

Former British prime minister Gordon Brown has come out strongly against assisted suicide just a week before a crucial vote in the House of Commons. Source: Catholic Herald.