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Budget Politics Welfare

Catholic leaders among signatories of JobSeeker letter to PM

Intense pressure remains on the Australian Government to raise the rate of JobSeeker in the imminent May Budget, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declaring he understands “people are under real pressure”. Source: Canberra Times.

Social Justice Victoria

Victoria to lift age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12

Children aged 10 and 11 will not be held criminally responsible for their actions in Victoria by the end of next year. Source: The Age.

Aged Care

Sydney aged care facility to join Mercy Community 

Mercy Community has announced that the Stella Maris Aged Care Facility in Cronulla, Sydney, will be coming under the management of the Catholic service provider’s aged care services stream. 

Education Religious Orders

‘Our community is lucky to be able to stand on the shoulders of the giants’

Patrician Brothers gathered with staff at All Saints College, Maitland this week as their community celebrated 140 years of ministry in Australia. Source: MNnews.Today.


There is no vocation without mission: Pope

In his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2023 this Sunday, Pope Francis said God’s call to a particular vocation also includes the mission to offer one’s life for others. Source: CNA.


Bishops call for tighter religious regulations after ‘starvation cult’ deaths

Kenya’s Catholic bishops have expressed disgust at a “starvation cult” and called for stiffer regulations in creating religious groups, after at least 73 bodies were exhumed from mass graves in the Khakahola forest, in the east of the country. Source: Crux.

Anzac Day

Anzac Day Mass honours ‘generosity’ of servicemen and women

Military dignitaries, federal and local politicians, clergy and members of the diplomatic corps representing 27 nations attended the National Anzac Day Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra yesterday. Source: Catholic Voice.

Cost Of Living

Interest-free loans program to aid families fighting cost-of-living pressures

The Sydney Archdiocese is championing the Sisters of Saint Joseph’s interest-free loan program, which aims to help ease cost-of-living pressures for Australians. 

Appointment Religious Orders

General secretary elected provincial, to leave Bishops Conference

Fr Stephen Hackett MSC has been elected provincial superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia and will conclude his time as general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in July. Source: ACBC Media Blog.