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Charity Welfare

Vinnies backs experts’ call to raise income support

The St Vincent de Paul Society has urged the Albanese Government to act on all recommendations proposed by the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee, including a large increase to the JobSeeker payment.

In The Dioceses Religious Orders

Capuchins to leave two inner-city Brisbane parishes

The Capuchin Friars will withdraw from two inner-city Brisbane parishes in January next year. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Pope’s message inspires Catholic Mission

Inspired by the Pope’s message for World Mission Sunday, Catholic Mission is this year raising awareness of the work of lay and religious missionaries around the world with the theme, “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move”. 

Pope Francis

Martyrs witness to the power of love: Pope 

Martyrdom is primarily an act of love, not heroism, and while it often comes in the midst of persecution, it should motivate Christians to seek peace and reconciliation, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Abuse crisis

Departing safeguarding expert says victims not listened to

The Pope’s safeguarding commission must not be merely engaged in “PR” but become a refuge for those abused by clergy and silenced by the Church, says leading safeguarding expert Fr Hans Zollner SJ. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis United Kingdom

Pope gifts True Cross relic to King Charles

Pope Francis has given King Charles III a relic of the True Cross of Jesus as a personal gift ahead of the King’s coronation next month. Source: The Tablet.


Shorten outlines key areas of reform in NDIS ‘reboot’

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is set to undergo serious and systemic reform to ensure it continues to meet people’s needs in the long term. Source: SBS News.


Vatican announces theme for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis has chosen “His mercy is from age to age”, a passage from the Gospel of Luke, as the theme for the 2023 celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Source: CNS.

Politics Welfare

Experts call for ‘substantial’ increase in income support payments

A group tasked by the Albanese Government to examine income support payments says they are “seriously inadequate”. Source: ABC News.