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Foreign Aid

Federal MPs visit Solomon Islands to witness Australian aid in action

A delegation of six federal MPs and senators travelled to the Solomon Islands last week to gain first-hand experience of Australian aid in action. Source: Caritas Australia.

Pope Francis Seniors

Pope Francis celebrates World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Calling for “a new bond between the young and old”, Pope Francis marked the third annual World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly with an intergenerational Mass Sunday in St Peter’s Basilica. Source: CNA.


Peter’s picture booked for Society of the Holy Childhood’s 180th anniversary

A year 4 Melbourne Catholic school student has had his illustration published in a book and presented to Pope Francis. Source: Catholic Mission.


Labor to give casuals new rights to full-time employment

The Albanese Government will make it easier for casuals to convert to full-time work if they choose, in the first taste of Labor’s next stage of industrial relations reforms to be unveiled in coming months. Source: The Guardian.


Protesters in India extend cathedral blockade over liturgical, financial disputes

A series of decrees and disciplinary moves culminating in the firing of a cathedral vicar has failed to resolve a dispute within India’s Syro-Malabar Church, as a blockade at a basilica by protesters has continued while the priest pursues a Vatican appeal. Source: Crux.

South East Asia

Priest defends pet blessing at ‘animal wedding’

A Catholic priest in Indonesia and two Catholic women came under a social media backlash after allegedly arranging a “wedding ceremony” for dogs. Source: UCA News.

Politics Wellbeing

Nation scores bare pass in first wellbeing scorecard

Australia is falling behind or making little progress on almost half of the 50 measures of national wellbeing being tracked by the Commonwealth Government, including family financial security, chronic health problems and trust in government and institutions. Source: Canberra Times.


Church insurer’s insolvency battle amid abuse claims

Catholic Church Insurance is planning to enter a scheme of arrangement amid uncertainty over the quantum of historical sexual abuse and other claims, and to avoid formal insolvency. Source: The Australian.

Digital Life HIgher Education

Concerns over AI keep ACU chancellor ‘up at night’

Australian Catholic University chancellor Martin Daubney says the development of artificial intelligence is what keeps him up at night. Source: The Catholic Leader.