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Labor seeks to send former immigration detainees to third country

Australia will pay third-party countries to accept former immigration detainees who can’t be deported back home under Labor’s response to the High Court ruling that has freed non-citizens with criminal records from electronic monitoring devices and curfews. Source: SMH.


Bishop will be ‘a cardinal from Australia and for Australia’

Cardinal-designate Bishop Mykola Bychok has given a humble and uplifting address to the November plenary meeting of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in Sydney.


Report finds women’s humanitarian leadership important but undervalued

A new report from Caritas Australia has found that humanitarian workers across the world overwhelmingly believe gender diversity improves humanitarian responses.


Archbishop Fisher names new president of Catholic Institute of Sydney

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has appointed Professor Hayden Ramsay as the 10th president of the Catholic Institute of Sydney. Source: Catholic Weekly.  


Audit commends integration of safeguarding across Cairns Diocese

The Catholic Diocese of Cairns has undertaken its safeguarding audit and received 95 per cent compliance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, according to the audit report published by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd.


Prison chaplains a caring presence for people at worst time of their life

This Sunday, the Catholic Church in Australia marks Prison Sunday, bringing attention to the plight of prisoners and highlighting the important work of prison chaplains. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Cardinal Parolin wishes Trump ‘great wisdom’

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and other Holy See leaders have shared their well wishes for US President-elect Donald Trump following his election victory this week, conveying their hopes for wise leadership on both domestic and international affairs. Source: CNA.

Film Review

Gump reunion a lovely film in a minor key

Here is not a blockbuster but there is something gentle in its meditation on mundanity and mortality, the unspectacular, but not unimportant, lives that most of us lead. Source: Australian Catholics.

For The Diary

Exploring the gains and losses in lay apostolate

The Cardijn Lecture for 2024 will be delivered by Dr Patricia Jones on Thursday 14 November, exploring the theme: ‘Patrick Keegan, first lay auditor to address Vatican II’. Source: Australian Cardijn Institute.